41. How to Get Started (+ Taking a Quick Break!)

Brittyn gets ready to head out on maternity leave but is sharing her top resources for getting started with nutrition for autism to prevent overwhelm and take one step at a time. If you’re trying to break down diet, picky eating, nutrition supplements, and lifestyle changes and don’t know where to get started - she has the recommendations for you!



  • Brittyn gets ready for maternity leave but shares all of the resources you can still access NOW!

  • The top resource for getting started with nutrition for autism and a special discount code

  • A loving reminder that you don’t have to be perfect!



Welcome to the Nourishing Autism Podcast where you take a deep dive into the research on autism and dietary changes, nutrition supplements, and lifestyle modifications. Every week, we break down nutrition topics and an easy-to-understand way for you to feel less overwhelmed and feel confident on your nutrition journey with autism.

Hello, everybody welcome to the Nourishing Autism Podcast. I'm your host Brittyn Coleman, the Autism Dietitian and I'm so glad that you're here and listening to my podcast. I wanted to give a quick update. So for those of you who follow me on Instagram or on social media, you know this already, but my husband and I are due with our first child any day now. So my due date is in about 10 days from the posting of this podcast and he can come any time. So we are really, really excited. I'm looking forward to sharing more about our journey as a new family on Instagram and social media. So if you don't follow me at, you'll have to follow along. If you're interested in learning more about our new parent journey.

That being said, I will be taking a little bit of a break and wanted to share a little bit about the resources on how to get started with nutrition. If you're looking to get started here, you're looking to optimize your child's nutrition, expand their diet, help them feel their best. There are so many resources that I already offer, and I actually have a few things up my sleeve, even while I'm out on maternity leave. So don't worry if you're looking for support, I have prepped ahead of time.

You can still have these resources. And I wanted to share them with you now so that you can get started and. Really get a headstart on nutrition and helping your child feel their best, which is my ultimate goal for all of my listeners. All of my clients is just to help their kids feel their best and thrive.

So number one. This is the best way to get started with nutrition. It's also just a gentle way to introduce yourself into the world of nutrition, get support, find community. And that is my membership called the autism nutrition library. This is a really good place to start. It's only $20 a month. You can cancel any time.

In fact, if you want, you can get 30% off your first month by using the code welcome. And that will help you get. Started check out the membership and make sure that it's a great fit for you. Now, one new resource that I just added. We're talking this week is my getting started guide. Now this is an online course that is exclusive to only the members of the autism nutrition library. You can not access this course anywhere

It basically walks you through a seven step process on how to start with nutrition. To help it not feel so overwhelming because there is so much to consider when it comes to nutrition for autism, whether that is diet alone, picky, eating supplements, what diet your child should be on. There's so much to consider. And lab testing is another one that I get so many questions on.

So I recorded this online course exclusive to members of the autism nutrition library. And I would recommend jumping in on that to help you get started. In addition to this getting started guide or getting started online course, I also have tons of what we call quote unquote notes. And this is basically broken down into topics. So supplements, nutrients, diets.

Different foods, symptoms and conditions. We break down all these topics and research them. So you don't have to, and we put it into terms that's super easy to understand so that you can know what. Next steps to take. So for example, if you really want to start your child on a multivitamin, you can go into the supplement section, click on multivitamin and learn everything you need to know about multivitamins for kids on the spectrum. Our recommendations.

What to look out for, if you're looking to find your own, et cetera. If you really wanted to know if kiwi were healthy for your child, you can go into the food section. Click on fruits, Kiwi and learn all about the research on Kiwis and why they might be beneficial for kids on the spectrum. And if you should continue eating them. So lots of info there. Another example is if your child struggles with constipation, you could go into the symptom section, click on constipation, and we have everything you need to consider when it comes to constipation for autism the dietary approaches, the supplement approaches and lifestyle approaches.

So everything. Everything you used to know is covered and broken down in a really easy to understand way. On top of that, we have kid-friendly recipes. We have over a hundred different recipes. And we add new recipes every single week. We'll be adding new notes and recipes, even while I'm out on maternity leave. I have all of that prepped and ready for you as well. Then in addition to that, we also have a community forum in that community forum is monitored by both me and another dietician, answering questions on nutrition to help point you in the right direction and make sure you have the resources that you need.

It's a really great way to connect with other parents as well. So all of that is included inside my membership. And like I said, it's only 1999 a month. You can also join an annual plan that gives you two months free. And this is a place where I've supported thousands of parents who have children on the autism spectrum.

To help improve their child's nutrition. And now you get even more resources for the same price, which is really exciting. So that's my first resource. I would recommend getting started with a number two or my online courses. I have three, I have an online course called overcoming picky eating. This is for families who have children that are picky eaters and need support. And it's geared specifically toward autism and the approaches that work and how to navigate those approaches that don't work. That many parents are recommended.

"Starve It Out" Method or just the kind of forcing your child to eat mentality. There are so many things that just don't work well for kids on the spectrum. If you've listened to some of my picky eating podcasts past, you know, these so this is the online course for picky eating. For kids on the spectrum.

Then my number two course. No pun intended. Is my Healthy Poops Academy Course. This is for kids who are chronically constipated and needing support in next steps. This is the most supportive resource that I have for chronic constipation, because that is one of the most common symptoms. Gastrointestinal symptoms with autism. And lastly is my Supplement to Thrive Online Course. And that basically walks you through how to implement supplements safely and correctly and everything you need to know about building a supplement regimen.

For your child. So I have all three of those online courses. Now you can't enroll in these all the time. They launched periodically. You can enroll in the autism nutrition library. My membership. At any time. We let our email subscribers know and the followers on Instagram know, as soon as we open up enrollment, you can get on the wait list for these as well, either inside the library or on my website, autismdietitian.com/online-courses.

And you can get on the waitlist there. So keep an eye out for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and again, in December, we will be launching a few of those courses and you will get an awesome discounted price on those courses. So be sure to get on the wait list. So you don't miss the announcement.

We all know we get a billion emails over Black Friday and Cyber Monday. So. We will be sure to let you know. Lastly, I have some free resources as well, and that would be to follow me on Instagram. I'm posting all the time. I also have tons of post cute up while I will be out on maternity leave. So.

There will still be posts coming out, new posts that you haven't seen before. And so fall on Instagram, you can also binge listen to my podcast. I have 40 episodes so far feel free to go back through and listen to those and learn more about nutrition for autism completely free. And lastly, you can also visit my blog on autism, dietician.com/blog. And that is a really great place to get free information as well. It's not going to be as detailed as the autism nutrition library.

That is the resource for nutrition for autism and where I spend most of my time. Just pouring in information about nutrition for autism. Supporting families, writing recipes. You name it. That is the place that I'm at and my top priority. So. Just wanting to let you know about these resources. So that you can make sure that you have the support you need to get started. And while I'm sharing this, as I'm starting to go out on maternity leave , even if you're listening to this months later.

These resources are still incredible to help support you. In helping your child feel their best. And just remember I say this to everybody in my programs and my courses, my membership, you don't have to be perfect. You don't have to do everything overnight. This is a learning process and it builds on each thing. Just making one small change, taking one small step.

Is going to be a huge piece to helping you get to where you want to be and helping your child thrive. So don't let that hold you back. If you're letting what people are telling you on the internet, hold you back from starting nutrition. You don't have to start with this massive gluten-free dairy-free diet.

You can make small changes. And my getting started online course The autism nutrition library walks you through that and what to start with. So you don't feel so overwhelmed. Just know that I'm here for you. I understand what you're going through as a sibling of an individual on the autism spectrum and seeing his struggles throughout my lifetime over the past.

You know, 25. Years of him being diagnosed with autism and me working with thousands of clients I've built these resources to specifically support you as a parent to help you navigate this space. That is incredibly overwhelming. Everyone seems to have their own. Thoughts on what you should do. And many of them are not evidence-based. So you can join the autism nutrition library now by going to autismnutritionlibrary.com and you can join for just $19.99 a month, or you use the code of WELCOME to get 30% off your first month.

You can also join an annual plan to get two free months as well. And then check out my online courses. Follow me on Instagram for free nutrition information. And I just wish you the best feel free to send us a DM. And we will be sure to answer you and point you in the right direction for the resources that are going to help your child succeed.

Thank you so much for listening to the Nourishing Autism Podcast. I'm grateful that you're here. I look forward to sharing more about our journey over the next few months, as we become new parents and I can't wait to come back to the Nourishing Autism Podcast when we are more settled and a newborn life has settled down so that I can dedicate my time back to the podcast.

But know I will still be contributing to the Autism Nutrition Library that. That is my number one priority. And so if you're looking for consistent support and new information, that's the place to find me. Thanks so much everybody. And I look forward Sharing again with you soon once I am back from leave. Bye everyone.

This podcast is brought to you by the Autism Nutrition Library, a one-stop hub and community for all things autism nutrition created to help you explore evidence-based nutrition approaches that have proved to be effective to help individuals with autism feel their best, do their best, and be their best.

Join now by clicking Autism Nutrition Library or by stopping by my Instagram @AutismDietitian. See you next week.

Transcribed by Descript

ABOUT Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD, CLT

I’m a Registered Dietitian, Autism Nutrition Expert, and the Creator of the Autism Nutrition Library.

I work with parents of children with autism to optimize their child’s diet, supplements, and lifestyle based on their unique needs.  I help expand accepted foods for picky eaters, improve digestion and gut health, find the root causes of many symptoms, and ultimately help them feel their best so that they can do their best and be their best.

Not only do I relate to families on a professional level, but also on a personal level. I have been a part of the autism community for over 20 years, as my younger brother was diagnosed on the spectrum at a young age.

I look forward to working with you to uncover the root cause of your child’s symptoms and help your child be the best version of themselves!


42. Should You Sneak Food or Supplements?


40. Debunking the "Starve It Out" Method with Melanie Potock, CCC-SLP