[RECIPE] Picky Eater-Approved Black Bean Brownies

Naturally gluten, egg, soy, & dairy-free brownies without processed sugar, artificial colors or flavors!

If you’re a parent with a child with autism, odds are you’ve had experience with picky eating. Children with autism have higher rates of food selectivity, often due to Sensory Processing Disorder (read my blog Sensory Processing Disorder - How It Can Cause Picky Eating & More! for more information on this topic.)

I am always very careful when suggesting parents to sneak foods or supplements into their child’s favorite nutritious foods or drinks. Kids with autism are SMART and can often sense even the slightest difference in texture, which might cause them to stop eating/drinking a nutrient-dense food altogether. That being said, this is one of the “sneaky” recipes that I actually will condone because (1) it’s a brownie, probably not a major staple in your child’s diet and (2) you can NOT taste the difference. I posted this recipe on my Instagram last year and have had parents message me that their child is actually eating these black bean brownies, when they’ve never once tried beans.

This recipe is an example of how we can make a BETTER choice. In the end, it is still a brownie, but isn’t this a better choice than one of those packaged Cosmic Brownies? This recipe has no processed sugar, is naturally gluten, egg, soy, & dairy-free, and has no artificial colors or flavors. Black beans are also a great source of fiber, protein, iron, and many other vitamins and minerals.

Comment and let me know if you try out the recipe and what your picky eater has to say about them!


  • 1 can (15 oz) black beans rinsed and drained (or use ~ 2 cups black beans)

  • 2 flax egg (2 tbsp milled flax + 4 tbsp water)

  • 3 tbsp coconut oil melted

  • 1/2 cup organic cacao powder or sub 3/4 cup cocoa powder

  • 1/2 cup coconut sugar

  • 1.5 tsp baking powder

  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract

  • 1/4 tsp Himalayan sea salt

  • Toppings of your choice! Try crushed walnuts, dairy-free chocolate chips, or coconut (add the last 5 minutes to toast or after baking)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

  2. Lightly grease a standard size muffin pan (12 slot) or 8x8 baking pan.

  3. Thoroughly drain and rinse your black beans and place in blender or food processor.

  4. Prepare flax egg and add to black beans

  5. Add remaining ingredients (besides toppings) and blend/process until smooth. Scrape down sides until all is completely blended.

  6. If the batter is too thick, add a Tbsp or two of water and blend again. The consistency should be thick (think a little less thick than frosting) but not runny!

  7. Use a spoon to fill 12 slot muffin tin our pour into baking pan

  8. If you decide to use toppings, sprinkle on top!

  9. Bake for 30-35 minutes, checking at 25. The brownies will begin to pull away from the pan. Use a toothpick to stick in the middle to see if they are finished cooking.

  10. Remove from oven and let cool for 20 minutes. They can be fragile, so be careful removing from the tin! (If the insides are fudge-y, that's great! They're meant to be both crispy and creamy. And since they're vegan- no need to worry about eggs!)

  11. Store in the fridge for up to 5 days in an airtight container

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